Located in the Mediterranean Sea, Ibiza is one of the largest Balearic Islands. When you mention Ibiza, people...
31 Aug 2018 | by Maisie Tomlinson
ome, also known as the ‘eternal city’, is home to 3,000 years of history, art and culture. People travel from across...
23 Aug 2018 | by Maisie Tomlinson
Barcelona is the city that has it all – beaches, shopping, architecture and amazing food. The largest city in...
Croatia came second to Japan in Penguins’ World Cup Top Trips – however, that doesn’t mean they are any less worthy of...
Croatia, the pearl of the Adriatic, harbours culture, adventure and nature. Nestled between Slovenia, Bosnia and...
Japan were the people’s choice. Chosen as the winners of Penguins Incentive Travel World Cup! With 31 other countries...